Do you feel lost & lonely in your entrepreneurship journey?Do you feel that you know a lot of people but it is not resulting in business success?An entrepreneur's journey is normally a very lonely journey but it does not have to be so. This book starts with the very important discovery of self-analysis and alignment to your passion in business. You might be connected to a lot of people but if it is not reflecting into business success then this book will give you insight on the powerful manner of connecting with people so that you can build a success around you.. This book is a mix between practical examples, stories and also exercises so that you can practically take a step by step journey of discovering you, your passion and then learn how to use that connect to people. This book will aim for you to have a plan ready on how to achieve your dreams by the time you complete this book. This book is a distillation of ideas, learnings, training and readings across the last 30 years of an entrepreneur through a journey of practical experiences of finding how to make entrepreneurship an easier and happier journey.